
I have a struggle. Okay, maybe it’s more of a conundrum. If I can be real for a moment (of course I can, it’s my blog and I can do what I want with it) I’d like to just say, I consider myself a dreamer. Not necessarily the sleeping kind. But, the having ideas to change the culture around me kind. I’ve always believed that there was something better. Something bigger. Something that, if I could just tap into it, would set me up with the knowledge, wisdom and courage I’d need to be launched into greater Kingdom Destiny.

So, “what’s the issue?” you ask. Well, let me see if I can explain. I’ve often received criticism from those close to me, that I’m not content. That I’m never satisfied. Even that I’m not happy with what I’ve got. I truly don’t believe this to be true. I mean, I suppose I can see their point of view. I can somewhat understand where they would maybe see that as the case. But it’s not. I promise. I love the things I have. I love the people that God has blessed me with that I get to call family and friends. If I were to really take a microscopic lens and look closely at my life and the experiences I’ve had, I would see the blessings and the goodness and the love and growth that I’m truly honored to be surrounded by and saturated in. So, here lies the issue.

You see, I don’t look at my life with a microscopic lens. I just don’t know how to do that. I’m always looking out. Ahead. Through my current situation and into the vast, sometimes dark abyss, of the unknown. I feel like a builder in a way. Wanting to take what I know, what I’ve learned and whatever the Lord wants to show me and create something that will make a difference. There are times that I feel like Heaven deposits something in my spirit. An idea. A thought. A DREAM. And I feel the sudden urge to round up the troops to make that idea-thought-dream a reality.

While I may be misunderstood in a way, I do realize that it takes a healthy amount of stewarding on my part to keep myself from being so focused on the idea-thought-dream that I lose sight of what my current responsibilities are. I am a husband and father after all. I know that my responsibility is with them first. But, that doesn’t change the fact that I often feel the urge to look ahead and try and grab a clearer picture of what the Kingdom is up to. Where is it going next. I truly believe that I desire to have a KINGDOM PERSPECTIVE.

Jesus said in John 17 that we are in the world but not of it. The Apostle Paul wrote in Colossians 3 that we should fix our minds on things above and not on things of this earth. I believe that both verses are talking about having a KINGDOM PERSPECTIVE. I feel as though I’ve been given that as a gift. Now, I’m not suggesting that I have it all figured out or that I’m always seeing things the way God sees them. But, I don’t think that it’s too far fetched to believe that as a child in the Kingdom, I could grow into that. Seeing things the way my Daddy sees them. Looking out into the vast, dark unknown and calling forth things that have yet to be seen or witnessed.

I guess what I’m really trying to say is, I’m not sorry for looking forward and dreaming and hoping. But I am sorry. But I’m not really. I truly do want to be a good husband, father, friend, minister, employee. I want to be grateful for what I’ve been given. I want to be able to enjoy the blessings that I’ve received. I want to appreciate the presence of God and His glory now. BUT…I will not stop wanting more. I will not stop dreaming. I will not stop believing that the King of a BIG, powerful, forward moving Kingdom is looking for and calling forth dreamers and creators that are willing to see things from a different perspective. Not just looking at what’s right in front of them, but able to look down a road less traveled and see opportunity for more. For bigger. For brighter. Not just for themselves but for their children and the generations to come. I will forever desire to put down the microscopic lens and always be drawn to the lens that allows me to see things a little differently. A perspective that is not of this world but of another KINGDOM.

